How do we book you?

Fill out a contact form on this website and we can go from there :)

What time of day would we take pics?

My FAV time of day is known as "golden hour" - about 1-1.5 hours before sunset. The light is STUNNING! Otherwise, if we need to get creative with time we can find a location that offers great light too! I always reccomend golden hour :)

How do we get our photos?

I will deliver them digitally to your email with a link to an online gallery. You will be able to download the entire set. I recommend saving them to your computer for sure & then to your phone if you want as well!

What should we wear?

Neutral colors are best! Upon booking, I will send you an outfit guide that will help with this :) also if you wanna email me ideas I will give you my honest input as to how they would photograph!

Do you retouch photos?

To a certain extent - yes! I go through & select the best ones & then edit them by hand.
I will also go through & edit out any little flaws - zits (if requested), random hairs, fuzzies on clothes, & random things in the background that are out of place!

I DO NOT alter the body in any way (slimming / reshaping) - I will pose you so you look GREAT so don't worry there :)

Whats your turn around time?

Normally my turn around time for a regular session is 3-4 weeks and sneak peeks sent within 48 hours! For weddings it can take anywhere from 5-8 weeks - with having so many more photos to go through it can take a bit longer!